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Mining has always been a strong part of the Australian economy and culture, and the Central West is no different.
Approximately 40 kilometres north of Mudgee, Moolarben Coal (which is owned and managed by Yancoal Australia) operates 24/7 with approval for four open cut mining areas and three underground mining areas.
With mining operations at Moolarben Coal currently approved until the end of 2038, investment in infrastructure, employment and community support are looking strong in Mudgee and the surrounding regions.
Yancoal Australia continues to have direct and indirect economic benefits for the regions it operates in across the country.
A direct economic benefit of $513 million in wages and salaries to 3,130 full time employees, and $1.6 billion in operation and capital spend from over 2,400 suppliers and providers by Yancoal in 2021. The Moolarben operation supports approximately 780 direct employees and contractors.
Yancoal Australia believes coal will continue to play a key role in delivering economic growth and improved quality of life.
But while coal mining remains its current focus, Yancoal Australia also has a vision to sustain the business through diversifying into renewable energy projects and into other minerals and commodities.
The industry has a strong history of employment and support for workers, while local clubs and organisations receive a variety of support including sponsorships, grants, and provision of equipment.
Moolarben Coal continues to actively support the community throughout the Mid-Western Regional Council district by creating employment, training opportunities and sourcing goods and services from local contractors and providers.
Acting General Manager Moolarben Coal Operations, Brian Wesley, said it was rewarding to be part of an organisation that is actively contributing to the communities and regions they work in.
"Mining has long been a part of the Mudgee region, it's great to see the benefits and ongoing commitment to the wider community shown by Moolarben," he said.
Moolarben is proud of its Community Support Program, which has distributed over $1.4 million in community grants and sponsorship over the last decade.
Moolarben has helped initiatives across a range of areas, including education, environment, health and safety, the arts, sport, and research.
Local community groups are encouraged to apply for funding and while applications for 2022 are now closed, applications for projects and events in 2023 will open in October this year.
Coal Services has played a key role in NSW coal mining communities in one way or another for almost one hundred years.
Mines Rescue's roots were founded in emergency response in 1926, and today the business is known for helping mining operators to manage risk and operate safely through specialised safety training.
For Coal Services, their company's purpose 'to protect' ensures that keeping workers safe is the focus every day.
Mark D'Elboux, Regional Manager Western Mines Rescue, explained that the breadth of services offered by Coal Services' businesses helped to protect the health and safety of those working in the NSW coal industry.
"There are more than 3,000 workers directly employed in the coal mining regions of Lithgow and Mudgee," he said.
"At some stage during their mining careers almost every one of those workers will have visited one of Coal Services' offices for services such as a medical or attending a safety training course.
"The training we offer is not limited to the mining industry, in fact many of our courses are relevant to industries outside of mining where skills in first aid, working safely at heights or in confined spaces are necessary."
Mark added that being safety-focused goes beyond just attending a course. "In business today, it's more than just being able to operate safety," he said.
"It's creating safety focused cultures that starts with health and safety policies and processes and then ensuring that these are implemented and monitored ongoing."
Coal Services is an industry-owned organisation committed to providing critical services and expertise to the NSW coal mining industry. They operate a Specialised Health and Safety Scheme that provides an integrated suite of services aimed at preventing injury and illness in the workplace.
These services help employers to identify, assess, monitor and control many risks inherent in the NSW coal mining industry.
For more information about how Coal Services can help the health and safety of your workforce, call 02 8270 3200, or visit
Since 1989, Tracserv has been building a solid reputation in Dubbo and throughout the Central West.
Today, with headquarters in both Orange and Dubbo, they have a reputation for uncompromising professionalism and quality equipment.
Tracserv specialise in the sale, repair, and maintenance of Isuzu Trucks, heavy-duty vehicles, and earthmoving machinery. Along with full service and repair, they also supply and install parts for all makes and models of trucks and machinery.
Their comprehensive range of renowned brands includes:
Tracserv have also earned the Isuzu Care brand through continuous customer satisfaction and meeting the high standards of the Isuzu Australia Limited criteria.
Isuzu Care is a comprehensive customer care program with its own customer care specialists to help facilitate a better communication link between customer, dealership and IAL. Isuzu Care also allows you to extend your new truck warranty from three years up to six years.
Tracserv's goal is to continuously deliver exceptional service and exceed customer expectations. Tracserv was awarded 2019 Sales Dealer of the Year for Isuzu Trucks - an accolade that is a testament to their industry expertise and commitment to excellence. Visit to find out more.
The latest round of funding in the 2022 Ulan Coal Community Investment Program will be open for applications until November 30
The funding provides support for not-for-profit community groups and applications can be made by visiting
In 2021, Ulan Coal provided more than $200,000 to help a wide range of local organisations to implement long-term, sustainable projects and programs in the local region.
Some of the previously successful applications include local schools in Gulgong, Mudgee, Lue, Kandos and Rylstone, the MAX Potential program, Mudgee Hospital, Mudgee Playgroup, Mid Western Rural Fire Service, North East Wiradjuri Co, and regional shows.
Ulan Coal also provides in-kind support for a number of community initiatives, notably the Winter Wood program which was introduced in 2020 to help families doing it tough during COVID.
Working with Mudgee Lions and Max Walker, the program has become an annual winter feature, using redundant timber from Ulan's operations to provide firewood for local residents.
We are also very proud of our Community Investment Program.
Ulan's team of apprentices also deliver in-kind support for community groups through their "Give Back" program, which sees the apprentices utilise skills learnt on the job to deliver a community improvement project.
Ulan Coal is currently also investigating options for future "Give Back" projects among not-for-profit groups. Suggestions are always welcome and can be forwarded to
Ulan Coal General Manager, Peter Ostermann, said they were very proud of their Community Investment Program.
"We are a long-standing member of this community, with operations at our site dating back to the 1920s," he said. "We currently employ almost 700 people across our complex and in 2021 spent almost $350 million on goods and services from 970 local suppliers.
"Our workforce live in the local community and they understand the importance of making a difference, either through financial support for community events and groups, or by providing hands-on assistance."
Western Mines Rescue has honoured former brigade members for their service at a ceremony in Lithgow. Earlier this year, former brigade members attended the unveiling of the new honours board that acknowledges volunteer brigade members who reached the milestone of 25 years of service or more, and who have since retired from the service.
Graham Healey, Training Coordinator at Western Mines Rescue, said that the honours board was a way of preserving the mining history of the region. "Some of the older names on the board date back to 1939 and they would have been involved in responding to various mining incidents in their day.
"The more recent additions have also played a significant role in Mines Rescue and we wanted to recognise their long-term service," he said.
"Some of them have family working in the mines today and have been inspired to become volunteer brigade members like them to help provide peace of mind to our industry and its workers."
Mines Rescue's roots were founded in emergency response in 1926, and today, Mines Rescue continues to maintain emergency response capability to industry and also helps mining operators to manage risk and operate safely through specialised safety training.
Mark D'Elboux, Regional Manager Western Mines Rescue, said that volunteer brigade members were specially trained in mines rescue techniques and emergency preparedness. "It takes a fair amount of commitment as they need to attend regular training throughout the year to remain active.
'We present special awards to those who have one hundred per cent attendance over 5 years and 10 years as that is quite an achievement in amongst work and other commitments, but we also acknowledge five, fifteen and twenty-five years of service," he said.
"There are some people who have been part of Mines Rescue since early in their mining careers who are still involved 25 year or more later."
Graham said that researching the names for the honours board had been a rewarding experience. "One of the gentlemen I spoke to told me that when he first joined the Mines Rescue brigade there was a similar board at the station," he said. "He said it was his goal to get his name on the board, so I'm happy we were able to make that happen."
Western Mines Rescue recently lost one of its most respected and liked past brigade members. Not just a long serving brigade member, Peter Glendinning was also employed as a 'callman' at the Western Mines Rescue Station where he served under Station Superintendent John Gold.
Peter also cared for the gardens and yards at the mines rescue station; winning 'Lithgow of Garden of the Year' on several occasions.
Peter will be remembered for his absolute passion and care for Mines Rescue. His family shared that he was sad that he 'had to' retire at 60 years of age, yet stories will be told for many years of Peter and his ability to tell a yarn. Rest in peace Pete.